Hacker is a person who can get access to any computer or computer systems even without be allowed.
There are three types of hacker's,which are white hat Hacker, gray hat Hacker and white hat hacker. Will shall talk about these types next time.
Come up to point how to become a hacker.
1.dedicate your time in hacking. hacking is a life style.
2.you should have a computer and know how different computer systems works and how to control them.
3.you should learn programming languages and the best one to start with is Python. Why Python? It's powerful and well documented. An alternative maybe Java,C,C++.
4.You should have networking skills. Such as DHCP,subneting,IPv4,IPv6,public and private IP,DNS,routers and switches, VPN,OSI model and MAC addressing.
5.You should have Linux skills since most tools used in hacking run in Linux and not in windows.
6.You should know scripting languages, bash,shell, Python or Ruby.
7.You should have a database skills, understanding database systems and how they work. Understand the SQL language,you should understand at least one DBMS and how it works such as Google and Oracle.
Those are seven things you should know.
From Kiraka.
Kiraka knows every thing.
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