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How to browse any website offline for free

There has been an increase in demand for online studies where people seek knowledge and skills through online study. Online studing has became a best solution for the problem of insufficient availability of qualified teachers in different fields of academic and professional studies.
The main limitation for online studing is data bundle cost, it is known that accessing internet you should have a data plan in your smartphone, tablet or modem. Internet service providers charge money at different rate depending on the type of bundle subscription.
Every one will like to safe money as much as possible by avoiding unnecessary cost, here I will share with you a simple method of browsing any website contents offline without using data bundle.
So as to access any website contents offline you must have that website saved in your computer hard disk.
Here is how you can save any website you like in your computer :-
  1. You must have Httrack website copier installed in you computer. You can install this software in windows, mac and in Linux. Httrack website copier is an open source software used to copy websites from webserver to lock disk and allow you to browse a mirrored copy offline.
  2. To install this software go to google and type httrack and search their website for download and installation dipending on you computer operating system. For linux users just go to software management and then search for httrack website copier and install it or just use sudo-apt get install command to install direct.
  3. After installation open Httrack software and follow the dialog windows you will be ask to choose type of project's you will like to save and type of download to do.
  4. Follow the steps carefully until where you will be asked to enter the url of the website you wish to download. Copy the url from the website and paste it on httrack then click ok and wait for the download to finish. It may take time depending on the type of media in the website.
  5. After successful download enjoy browsing your favorite websites ofline.
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