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It is very cost to buy a software to run in your computer for personal use, business use or organization use. Some times it needs a lot of money to pay for software installation and maintenance. In this article I will talk about free and open source software which you will get and use for free once you install open source operating system such as Linux Mint and Ubuntu Mate.
Most people use Microsoft products because it is only the option for them since they don't know any new alternative and this has turn people into slavery of software. If you can not pay for software maybe you should use pirated software. Using pirated software is very risk for your machine and your data.
Best option to do is to use open source software, here is a list of software which you will get for free once you install Linux Mint.
  1. Libre office
    This is office software suit which is alternative to Microsoft office. This software suit contains about six independent softwares. LibreOffice, LibreOffice calc, LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Math and LibreOffice Writer.
  2. Fire fox web browser
    Once you install Linux mint you will get for free Fire for web browser. This browser is more faster and secured compared to Internet explorer.
  3. Graphics suit
    This involves a collection of softwares used in graphics designing and development. It contains power full software which are alternative to paid softwares for graphics such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Softwares which are in this free suit are GIMP Image Editor, gThumb, Image viewer, LibreOffice Draw and Simple Scan.
  4. Sound and Video Players
    In this category you will get very use full softwares for playing music, video and movies. These softwares will be instlled automatically after installing Linux Mint. Here you will find software like Banshee, Brasero, Videos and VLC media player. Some of these software can be used to burn music and videos at home for personal use.
  5. Accessories
    Here you will get a lot of free Accessories to use in your computer and daily activities. You will get software such as Calculator, Document viewer, Text Editor and Tomboy Notes.
Those are the basic and common softwares which you will ger for free after installation of Linux mint. There are other thousands of software which you will download and use for free in your computer after installation of Linux Mint.
If you have any comment or suggestion about this article feel free to tell us in a comment section and share this article with your friends so as the can save some money by not paying for software which have alternative free software.

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