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Tanzanians social Networks you must have an account in it

There are thousands of social networks currently active with thousands of users sharing and discussing millions of topics every day. Most of these networks are founded in USA,Europe and few in Africa. Here are two Tanzanians social network you must have an account in it. These networks are Mayocoo and 2daySky. Both networks are product from the University of Dodoma (UDOM) college of informatics and virtual education(CIVE).
Mayocoo www.mayocoo.com “Experience a different way of social networking”

Main features in these networks are
  1. Social account, in each network a user will be able to sign up for an account which will give him/her a profile where he/she can make post,comment and share post with other users in the network.
  2. In mayocoo a user can store documents,pictures, musics and other file formats online. Mayocoo has cool features like coodocs,coosnaps,Notebook and Phonebook which enable user to store documents, contacts,pictures and diary events without sharing them on the wall post.
To get full access of these networks you must register for an account.
To get access to mayocoo social networks type in the web browser www.mayocoo.com and click search or just click the link the link will land you on home page where you can sign up for an account.
Login part

Sign up
Here you will fill some of your personal particulars so as to be registered and then click Sign up for Mayocoo.

After sign up your account will be ready and there you can enjoy the cool features from mayocoo.
To register for 2daySky just type www.2daySky.com on the web browser or just click the link. A page will appear where you can sign up by filling the informations needed.

All the network are hundred percent free sign up, just sigh up and share this information with your finds on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and in other social networks.

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