Communication Regulation Authority(TCRA) earlier this year has
ordered mobile operators and mobile services users to check and
identify their users and devices if they are genuine and those
devices which are not genuine will be shutdown.
at UDOM with student of Collage of Informatics and Virtue
Education(CIVE) some time ago, General Manger of TCRA Dr Simba has
emphasizing users to test their mobile phone if the are genuine and
not to change them as soon as possible before June. In June all
devices which are not genuine will be block and users will not be
able to access any service by using those fake phone.
two method in which user can test if the mobile phone is genuine or
fake. First you should dial *#06# to get the IMEI of your
phone and then send it via SMS by typing in the message field IMEI
leave space type the IMEI digits then send the message to 15090
you will receive a message with the name of your phone. If the
name in the message matches the name of your phone means your phone
is genuine if it does not match means your phone is not genuine and
you have to change it before June.
second method is by looking the IMEI of your phone at the back on the
battery side and the SMS them to 15090 as in the first method.
Dr Simba says that owning a SIM card(phone line) which is not
registered is against low and if one should be identified must be
jelled three month in prison or paying a fine worthing 150,000/= TSH.
should check your line if it's registration is complete by dialing
*106# where you will receive a message with your registered name in
the phone line your currently using. If that name is not yours you
should report to nearby shop of your operator such as Vodacom shop
or TIGO shop to complete registration or to change your details.
giving awareness and important of having genuine phone and line with
complete registration Dr Simba also worn the behavior of buying
second hand phone from people in the street popularly known as “Simu
za dili” as those phone may be involved in criminal without the
buyer being aware. Also landing someone phone to make communication
should be avoided because you may land some phone to make
communication but that person use it to make criminal acts without
the owner of the phone understanding. If a criminal case will be
reported and your phone identified being involved in the act you
owner will be answerable.
safe use you phone in a smart way.