Electricity is very
useful for daily life activities,it is used in home for lighting,
ironing, operating home appliances and many more. Apart from home
uses electricity is used in industries, hospitals and mining areas.
Due to economic
status in Tanzania many people live in rented houses especially in
urban areas. In Tanzania big cities like Dar es salaam there are many
quarrels in rented houses most of them being related to electricity.
In rented houses
people who live in a single building they do most of things in
collaborative manner but when it comes to electricity bill things
become tough,since every body must contribute an equal amount of
money for paying LUKU electricity.
People contribute
equal amount of money but they do not have similar uses of
electricity,some people have more home electrical appliances than
others so they automatically consume more electrical power than
In these case there
is no fair use of electricity in rented houses which lead to quarrel
when electric LUKU units fished before the end of a month where every
personal has to contribute again for electricity.
To solve this
problem and other related problems university students from the
University of Dododoma (UDOM) have made a system which will ensure
equal and fair use of electricity where by user will use electricity
in proportional to amount of money contributed.
The system is
called “Rented House Power Distribution Controlling System
other functions the system has ability to monitor power usage in
house automatically.
Full details about this system
may be found at the University of Dodoma(UDOM),from
the students how did they system and some documentations are
available from our fellow at his blog. Click the link below to read full
How do you say about these system? Are you ready to use it? Tell us in comment box below and share with your friends.